Human bodies perform a lot of tasks to allow us to live life as we know it. When something doesn't work as it should, it creates a <"limitation" to 'normal life'. I have lived my entire life with a severe "visual limitation". During my life I have discovered that there are ways to deal with this issue. It is my goal to share these so that others may have an easier life!

This website covers material which can be very important to people with visual limitations. I have tried to group in into specific topics, but some items may be relevant to more than one group. These topics are listed in more detail below.


Discusses information on how to deal with vision limitations so that we can still be productive and confident.


Discusses how to defend against bullying, whether it is intentional or not. Although most of this focuses on bullying due to vision issues, it can easily apply to bullying in general.


A basic overview of how the human eye works and some of the problems that can occur when things go wrong.

My book:

Since 2009 I have been compiling material from my life with the goal of writing a book to help others learn how to cope with vision limitations. This includes stories from many events that occurred when I was young. It also includes recent events.

While there is no publication date set at this time, I have the text and graphics which I need. I lost over 2 years of time recently due to two different 'publisher assistant' companies who did absolutely nothing useful. So now I am in process of learning self-publishing. I plan to release the book in both hard copy and E-book formats.

Page last updated: July 02 2024 12:48:58.
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